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이야기/English ver.

Let’s go together in 2023!

On January 9, during the opening ceremony, Lee Sun-kyun, the chairman of the steering committee (who is also the minister in charge of Ahyeon Central Church), delivered a delightful message to Taiwha Fountain House under the title "Let's go together!"

Before I begin, I would like to ask you a question that was asked during an interview at a certain company. Imagine you are a person who drives a car, and while passing by a bus stop, you notice three people. One is an elderly grandmother whose life is at risk without immediate medical treatment, another is a doctor who needs to reach a hospital to save a patient with a heart condition, and the third is your ideal romantic partner. All of them are in a situation where they need to get in a car quickly. Who would you choose to give a ride to? It is said that there was a wise candidate who answered this difficult question as follows: "If it were me, I would get out of the car, hand over the car keys to the doctor, and tell him to take the grandmother to safety. Then, I would take the bus with my ideal partner and go together happily." When I heard this story, I realized that when you let go of what you have, many problems can be solved.

In this context, the word of God given to us in the New Year (Song of Solomon 2:13) is a message where Solomon invites his beloved Shulammite woman, saying, "Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away." According to the Bible commentary, the Shulammite woman was not exceptionally beautiful or extraordinary; she was just an ordinary woman living in the countryside. However, Solomon, who was a great king of his time, humbled himself and invited his beloved Shulammite woman, setting aside all his prestige and throne. The phrase "come away" implies Solomon's act of letting go. Similarly, in the year 2023, I hope that all members of Taiwha Fountain House will arise and be able to go together, and that Jesus, who was sent by God and came to this earth, extends His hand to us, saying, "Arise, and come away." May we hold onto the hand of the Lord and embark on a journey together throughout this year, hoping for such a history.

Also, I hope that the Taiwha Fountain House family will live this year with the mindset of "I will do better." Finally, let me introduce an amusing piece of writing that I came across. May God give you the following gifts to keep:

Keep your waist up!

Keep your chest up!

Keep your shoulder up!

Keep your eyes up!

Keep your legs up!

Keep wrinkle up!

Keep household up!

Keep your life up!

Keep your laugh up!

Keep your chin up!