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‘Knowledge is power’, what Knowledge? The First Eid Training!

Jeon Jun-woo completed first aid training

- First aid education that you learn from real life

On February 7, the Mapo Fire Station Education Promotion Team held first aid training. During the training, participants had the opportunity to learn and practice various first aid techniques, including CPR and the use of AEDs. This training provided me with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively in emergency situations, particularly during the critical golden time when there is a higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the cold winter.


- Why CPR is important?

If you discover a person who has collapsed, you must perform emergency treatment within 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, it can lead to a state of brain death. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency treatment method that involves artificially compressing the heart to supply oxygen to the brain when the functions of the heart and lungs have ceased. CPR is performed when there is no consciousness and breathing, when abnormal and irregular breathing is present, or when cardiac arrest with convulsions occurs.


- How to CPR?

First, check the patient's safety. Ensure that there are no other external hazards where the patient has fallen.

Second, check the patient’s consciousness. Tap the patient on both shoulders and check he/she responds. The reason for tapping the shoulder is that there may be damage to the spine or cervical spine.

Third, call 119 for help and ask for an AED(automated external defibrillator). When asking for help, the most important thing is to specify people’s dressing and nominate it accurately. If you can't ask for help around you, call 119 and switch to speakerphone to follow the fireman's instructions.

Fourth, check the patient is breathing. Check the color of the face, lips, and the regular rise and fall of the chest and stomach.

Fifth, perform CPR. Press the solar plexus along the armpit line and 1/2 point of the breath bone, sit on your knees shoulder-width apart next to the patient, fold your hands, keep your fingers together, straighten your elbows, and put chest pressure. Ensure that the compressions are vertical when viewed from the side. The depth of the pressure should be 5 to 6 cm, and the compression rate should be 100 to 120 times per minute.


Interview: How was First aid education? (Jeon Jun-woo)

It was a useful education that could learn how to save many lives. I think it was more touching after practicing as a mannequin. Especially, I was able to learn that I should do it calmly at the golden time. If I hadn't taken the first aid training, I wouldn't have been able to do anything. However, now that I have acquired these skills, I feel confident in my ability to provide immediate assistance if I encounter someone in need, regardless of the time or place. Furthermore, following the training, I noticed the presence of an automatic cardiac arrest device at the entrance of Taiwha Fountain House. Although I haven't examined it closely, I believe I could handle it confidently in case of an emergency in the future. I am grateful to the firefighters who visited Taiwha Fountain House and provided us with such valuable education.