이야기 썸네일형 리스트형 저는 그림을 잘 그리는 ‘김원기’ 입니다. 저는 7개월 전, 예상치 못한 질병으로 삶의 기반이 흔들리는 경험을 했습니다. 병원 치료를 받으면서도 정신적인 어려움은 쉽사리 나아지지 않고 고립감은 커져만 갔습니다. 그러던 와중, 송파구정신건강복지센터로부터 태화샘솟는집을 소개받게 되었습니다. 기관 소개를 들으면서 어쩌면 이곳에서 고립감을 넘어 다른 사람과 이야기하는 방법과 안정을 찾을 수 있겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 그로부터 등록한지 1달이 지났습니다. 이제 달라진 저의 이야기를 전해 드릴까 합니다. 태화샘솟는집은 매일 서로의 안부를 묻고 자신을 소개하는 일상이 익숙합니다. 그리고 저는 최근에 저를 이렇게 소개 한 적이 있습니다.“안녕하세요, 그림을 잘 그리는 김원기입니다.”샘솟는집을 출근하기 전엔 제가 무엇을 잘하고 원하는지 알지 못했습니다. 옛날이.. 더보기 Pingpong is now all the rage in Taiwha Fountain House! On April 25th, the 7th Director Moon Yong-hoon’s Cup “Oh! Ping-Pong”, table tennis competition was held. The year before last, the 6th ‘Iron Table Tennis Competition’ was held, but it has been moved back because of COVID-19. Fortunately, it resumed two years after it was suspended. With more interest and enthusiasm than ever before, 28 singles participants and 16 doubles participants participate.. 더보기 Growing in Solidarity of Taiwha Fountain House’s Generation MZ Sandbox is a group of young people aged 20 to 34and they can form a positive self-identity and experience recovery among their peers. The etymology of "Sandbox" is derived from the concept of a 'sand playground' that provides a safe place for children to play and run. In this context, the Sandbox supports young people in experiencing various experiences within a safe peer community. Recently, wi.. 더보기 Being positive is my strength! A kind employee Yoo Jeong-hoon Yoo Jeong-hoon, Administrative Staff in Reception OfficeWith a kind voice to each one, he helps everyone who may have difficulty operating the kiosk. It was impressive to see he always responds with a smile even if I asked him to do several times. I really appreciate it. - Hospital visitor Park - - Please introduce yourself.Hello, I'm Yoo Jeong-hoon from Wellness unit. I have been working at Soo.. 더보기 Oh Seung-jae’s secret of managing money - Please introduce yourself.5 years of independence, 5 years of employment! I'm Oh Seung-jae from Employment unit. I am currently working at Sejong Law Firm and in charge of delivering important documents. I kept my job for 5 years, and at the same time I didn't forget to save money. In particular, I saved 40 million won(₩) as a result of my steady savings this year. - Small but certain happines.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 34 다음